
Live from New York

Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
20 September 2013

TED Talks are speeches delivered by exceptional people sharing their stories, which are posted online for free distribution at www.ted.com. On 20 September 2013 in the Plečnik Hall, we organised a live broadcast TEDxCity2.0 event from New York. The event, exploring the topic of cities and urban problems, was broadcast live in at least 79 cities across the world. The event was free-of-charge and open to the general public.



Neposredni prenos iz New Yorka

Fakulteta za arhitekturo v Ljubljani

Predavanja TED so predavanja izjemnih ljudi s svojimi zgodbami, ki so nato brezplačno dostopne na spletu www.ted.com. Na fakulteti za arhitekturo smo 20. 9. 2013 v veliki Plečnikovi predavalnici organizirali neposredni prenos dogodka TEDxCity2.0 iz New Yorka. Dogodek na temo mest in urbanih problemov je bil predvajan v živo v najmanj 79 mestih po svetu. Dogodek je bil brezplačen in namenjen najširši javnosti.

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