Ljubljana, Radovljica
THE GIFT OF SLOVENIAN ARCHITECTURE is a collection of products with motifs from key works from Slovenian architectural heritage and contemporary architecture. It was developed on the initiative and at the direction of Center arhitekture Slovenije (CAS).
Along with their utilitarian function, the gifts carry an important message, as they promote our efforts for awareness raising about high-quality Slovenian architecture and its presentation to domestic and international audiences.
All gifts were designed by future Slovenian designers and made by Slovenian manufacturers.
Prior to work, the students involved in the project are presented information about the the lives and work of the architects addressed. The lectures and guided tours are prepared by experts in the fields addressed.
The the first collection in the series relates to the work of architect Ivan Vurnik (1884–1971) and his wife, painter Helena Kottler Vurnik (1882–1962). The products were designed by young Slovenian designers from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana, inspired by the motifs of one of the most famous façades of Ljubljana houses, decorations of the interiors of Saint Catherine’s Church at Topol pri Medvode, and the painted altar table in Saints Cyril and Methodius Chapel in Vrata. Companies Svilanit, Luci, Emma, Tiskarna in knjigoveznica Radovljica and ZkotZ allowed for high-quality execution of the series.
Exhibition IVAN VURNIK AND HELENA KOTTLER VURNIK: THE GIFT OF SLOVENIAN ARCHITECTURE The exhibition featured the works by 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year students of Industrial Design at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana, under the supervision of Prof. Vladimir Pezdirc and Assist. Prof. Jure Miklavc, and Graphic Design students, under the supervision of Prof. Ranko Novak.